
sep 4, 2023
sep 4, 2023
Rutinerade singer/songwritern Jim Lauderdale , som nyligen turnerade i Skandinavien, och bluegrass-bandet Po’ Ramblin’ Boys släpper en gemensam skiva. "The Long and Lonesome Letting Go", kommer 15 september och innehåller 12 låtar skrivna av Lauderdale i samarbete med flera andra låtskivare.
“Po’ Ramblin’ Boys just really speak to and resonate with me. I hear so much of the great traditional bluegrass sound in them, and it makes me so happy to see a younger band of their generation carrying the style forward so well,” Lauderdale says in a statement. “They’re all so great in what they all do, both individually and as a performing band. I’ve always been blown away by them, so I was just very excited that they were interested in collaborating with me.”
"The Long and Lonesome Letting Go" bli Jim Lauderdales trettiosjätte studioalbum.
Titelspåret är en duett med bluegrass-legendaren Del McCoury.